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Nov 4, 2023 12:10:13 AM | Tech talent relocation Germany's New Policies to Attract High-Skilled Workers

Germany introduces new policies to attract high-skilled workers. With measures like easier visa applications, recognition of foreign qualifications, and improved support services, Germany aims to address the talent shortage. Find out how ReloHire can help employers and tech professionals navigate the German labor market.

In light of the current labour market trends, Germany is experiencing a shortage of skilled workers in several sectors, particularly in technology, engineering, and healthcare. Despite the projected demand for skilled workers not reaching its peak in 2023, the country is still facing a significant deficit.

“We need almost 400,000 people to come to our country,” said Nancy Faeser, the German interior minister.

To address this challenge, the German government has introduced several measures in June 2023 to make it easier for qualified professionals from abroad to work and live in Germany.


The new measures refer to:

  • Work experience: Skilled workers who have at least 3 years of relevant work experience in their profession can also apply for a visa to work in Germany, even if their qualification or degree is not recognized.
  • Recognition of foreign qualifications: The German government has set up a central portal where applicants can check if their qualifications are equivalent to the German ones and what steps they need to take to get them recognized. The recognition process will be faster and more streamlined, and applicants can check the status of their recognition online
  • Opportunity card: Skilled workers who do not have a job offer yet but have potential to find one can apply for an opportunity card, which is based on a point system. They score at least 6 points from a list of eligibility criteria, such as such as language skills, existing ties to Germany, qualifications. The opportunity card will allow them to stay in Germany for one year and look for a qualified job, while being able to work part-time or on probation.
  • Easier to obtain an EU Blue Card: The income requirement for the EU Blue Card will be lowered from €56,800 to €43,800 per year, and IT specialists can qualify without a university degree if they have sufficient work experience .
  • Improvement of the integration and support services for high-skilled workers: The German government has launched a nationwide network of welcome centers, where newcomers can get advice and assistance on various aspects of living and working in Germany, such as housing, health care, education, social security and taxes. The welcome centers also offer language courses, cultural events and networking opportunities for high-skilled workers and their families.
  • Easier for skilled workers to bring their dependents with them, as long as they can support them financially. The dependents will have access to integration courses, language courses and vocational training  .


The recent implementation of the June 2023 immigration reform in Germany aims to address the country's pressing need for skilled workers and alleviate the shortage of talent in various industries. This reform is expected to attract more international skilled workers and assist Germany in filling its 2 million job vacancies.


In line with these developments, ReloHire, a recruitment and relocation platform is well-positioned to support employers in closing tech roles. By aligning with the realities of the German labour market, we aim to facilitate seamless recruitment processes and support international tech professionals in transitioning into their new roles within Germany.

Written By: Andreia